miércoles, 9 de febrero de 2011

The 'Natashas'

Off of a little show/drama that I'd like to call "Sex and the City", most of my pseudoknowledge about relationships come from. Yes it's true, I'm one of those girls who obsessively watched the series (after they retired of HBO, because of course I'm too cheap to pay for so-called real cable), I mean reruns but in the nasty real cable version.
Today I came to think of that ep where our damsel in sexual distress, Carrie, runs into Natasha "the idiot stick figure with no soul" on multiple occasions. Feeling less than a fly on the wall by the mere presence of this woman, Carrie tries to prove herself for her, but of course she fails to do so, and in the meantime she becomes aware that "the soul" is actually very much human like the rest of us. The sad part is always gonna be that I'm no one's Natasha.
So, the end of this story is, no matter how much I over-stress over my personal Natasha (which is not her name, by the way) she still has to drop the kids by the pool like me (PLOP!)