martes, 14 de diciembre de 2010


It takes two, it's up to 
me and you, to prove it.

"I make trips to the bathroom
yeah my friends all have true grit,
I am speckled like a leopard..."


miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2010

Indie Luvah

So yesterday I watched James Franco on Inside the Actor's Studio and I couldn't help but feel nostalgia about the show that was "Freaks and Geeks". It lasted for a short period of time but it was so juvenile and fresh and I guess, in a way, anybody could relate to those kids.

It wasn't the only short-lived series that I watch throughout my tween years but it made me remember many other shows that made me feel the same way this show did.

So here's a remembrance to some of those shows that are no longer airing but still keep a soft spot in my heart.

viernes, 16 de julio de 2010

Some Odd Percussion...

So, this week has been all about drumsdrumsdrums.

By today, it has almost become an obsession I can barely escape. It has come to the point of even interrupting my study sessions. Instead of reading about physical exams, I'm thinking about the sound of some drums in my head.

Yes, I know, it's not healthy for my future patients. But it all started with the arctic monkeys' song "The view from the afternoon." I stumbled across it on youtube, not like I haven't seen it before, but for some reason that percussive little drummer on the video catched my attention. It felt like a shot of epinephrine going right across my chest; like all of the sudden my heart started pumping blood (as if it hadn't before).

And then I stumbled across this kid with some mad skills. Now I'm thinking this was the wrong career to choose if I get so OCD about something else.

I'm just hoping by tomorrow my short-term memory loss works some way of getting the drums out. But I have a feeling this one will last a little bit more that some random flavor of the week.

Check him out,

viernes, 9 de julio de 2010

Old flavors of the month...

Well, apart from trying to save a life or two, I'm obsessively in love with music. It's my boyfriend for life. So here are some tracks that have rocked this month for me.

Caution: Some of this music might not be approved or enjoyable to every other human being but me. I never said I had great taste, I just said i'm obsessed with it. Enjoy.

1. Regina Spektor - "Music Box"
2. Arctic Monkeys - "Leave before the lights come on"
3. Kelly - "Let me borrow that top"
4. Spoon - "Don't you evah"
5. The Last Shadow Puppets - "The Chamber"
6. Lykke li - "Possibility"
7. CSS - "Let's make love and listen to death from above"
8. The XX - "Islands"
9. La tigresa del oriente - "Nuevo Amanecer"
10. Metric - "Gold Gun Girls"

Well, I would've swored there were more tracks. But I always put them on playback. So that's it for this month. If you have any suggestions about upcoming artists lemme know, I'm always interested in old and new flavors.

lunes, 31 de mayo de 2010

martes, 25 de mayo de 2010

The Blur

I don't know what happened.
Dionysus sat down with me, just like any other day.
But unwillingly, I followed him.
No warning. No help offered for me.
Only I could've saved myself, and didn't.
It's over. I'm only left with the hang *part* of it.

Thank You.

Fuck Age. Fuck Marriage. Fuck Double Standars. Fuck Society. Fuck Pressure.
Fuck Peer Pressure. Fuck Family. Fuck So-called Family. Fuck Companionship.
Fuck Feelings. Fuck Love. Fuck War. Fuck Hardships. Fuck Tradition. Fuck Fake.
Fuck Happiness. Fuck Future. Fuck People. Fuck Conflict. Fuck Lies. Fuck Truth.
Fuck Possibility. Fuck Fear. Fuck Abstract. Fuck Concrete. Fuck Conscience.
Fuck Guiltiness. Fuck Reality. Fuck Sanity. Fuck Insanity. Fuck Aunts. Fuck Cousins.
Fuck Sisters. FUCK! Fuck Mothers. Fuck Motherhood. Fuck Past. Fuck Present.
Fuck Trust. Fuck Air. Fuck Water. Fuck Fire. Fuck Environment. Fuck Green.
Fuck Them. Fuck Pride. Fuck Pain. Fuck Hopes. Fuck Cold. Fuck Hot. Fuck Yes. Fuck No. Fuck Ying. Fuck Yang. Fuck Soulmate. Fuck Him. Fuck Me. Fuck You. Fuck Life.
Fuck Promises. Fuck Wrecks. Fuck Nice. Fuck Good. Fuck Bad. Fuck Sugar. Fuck Spice.
Fuck Sweet. Fuck Sour. Fuck Single. Fuck Married. Fuck Status. Fuck Global.
Fuck Local. Fuck Science. Fuck Technology. Fuck EXPECTATIONS. Fuck Evidence.
Fuck Secrets. Fuck Cheating. Fuck Honesty. Fuck Dreams. Fuck Nightmares.
Fuck Innocence. Fuck Purity. Fuck Virginity. Fuck Whores. Fuck Men.
Fuck Rich. Fuck Poor. Fuck Class. Fuck Ass. Fuck School. Fuck Kids. Fuck College. Fuck Degrees. Fuck Jokes. Fuck Sarcasm. Fuck White. Fuck Black. Fuck Obligations. Fuck Rules. Fuck Beauty. Fuck Image. Fuck Mansions. Fuck Cars. Fuck Boats.
Fuck Money. Fuck Youth. Fuck Facebook. Fuck Disease. Fuck Police. Fuck Government.
Fuck Memory. Fuck Spanish. Fuck English. Fuck Communication. Fuck Silence.
Fuck Life. Fuck Dead. Fuck Decisions. Fuck Titles. Fuck Rituals.
Fuck Ceremonies. Fuck Hiding. Fuck Hate. Fuck Paranoia. Fuck Aging. Fuck Looks.
Fuck God. Fuck Stories. Fuck History. Fuck Nerves. Fuck Cats. Fuck Smart.
Fuck Stupid. Fuck Believes. Fuck Fraud. Fuck Complaints. Fuck Little. Fuck Big.
Fuck Games. Fuck Different. Fuck Pink. Fuck Weight. Fuck Beginning. Fuck End.
Fuck Romance. Fuck Courtship. Fuck Islands. Fuck Streets. Fuck Corners. Fuck Crazy. Fuck Superficial. Fuck Deep. Fuck Sides. Fuck Failure. Fuck Deadlines. Fuck Time. Fuck Plans. Fuck Insecurities. Fuck Doubt. Fuck Egos. Fuck Sex. Fuck Competition. Fuck Minds. Fuck Sublime. Fuck Faith. Fuck Debauchery. Fuck Destitute. Fuck Perfect. Fuck Flaws. Fuck All. Fuck Forever. Thank You.