viernes, 16 de julio de 2010

Some Odd Percussion...

So, this week has been all about drumsdrumsdrums.

By today, it has almost become an obsession I can barely escape. It has come to the point of even interrupting my study sessions. Instead of reading about physical exams, I'm thinking about the sound of some drums in my head.

Yes, I know, it's not healthy for my future patients. But it all started with the arctic monkeys' song "The view from the afternoon." I stumbled across it on youtube, not like I haven't seen it before, but for some reason that percussive little drummer on the video catched my attention. It felt like a shot of epinephrine going right across my chest; like all of the sudden my heart started pumping blood (as if it hadn't before).

And then I stumbled across this kid with some mad skills. Now I'm thinking this was the wrong career to choose if I get so OCD about something else.

I'm just hoping by tomorrow my short-term memory loss works some way of getting the drums out. But I have a feeling this one will last a little bit more that some random flavor of the week.

Check him out,

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